New year’s day was celebrated in 45 B.C. for the first time. At that time, it was more of calendar adjustment than a celebration. Julius Caesar, Roman dictator decided to reform failing Roman calendar which was introduced in 7th century B.C. It was based on the lunar cycle, it used to fell out of phase frequently with the seasons and had to be corrected.
New Year is the time of the year when everyone wants to treasure the jubilant spirit of the moment. We find various ways to explore and experience more and more about the story of this day. New year Day is a special day for our people. Markets and shops are crowded with people. Everyone is making shopping buying tasty things and presents. We decorate our house with decoration, and new year tree. We make our hardstand and put all things on it. We send post cards to friends and give presents to close people. In our town you can see New Year tree. And all families go in the evening and take photos there. There you can hear sounds of salutes and crackers. Some crackers are so dangerous. And to use propellant explosion in the streets is canceled because it scare people and not safe. New year is a time when many people around the world make promises however, many of the promises made by people are rarely completed. I plan to recycle and improve my grade .
My first resolution of the new year recycle. Recently I really need to recycle more to protect the ozone layer. I did a little research and I came across some valuable information if I do not recycle there are consequence, plastic stays there for centuries and centuries. I researched that plastic that has sat in landfills for a period of time can turn into a sort of chemical waste. The poison ruins the soil and soil polluted . When I do not recycle I am doing damage to the environment.
I want to continue passing all of my test grades by doing homework asking questions in class, paying attention and checking my work before I handed doing all of that will bring me into a good and that’s what making me do well this year . I have to do all of these things to let my dream come true , which is going to an excellent and making my parents proud of me.
Lastly, I will read more books to widen my knowledge. This year I will read more about self-improvement, Computer and history books. I will spend more time with my younger brother. My younger baby brother he needs more attention from his older brother. I'll spend more time talking with him, more time playing with him and more time reading story books beside him.
In conclusion, there are too many things which are not written here I want to achieve in this year. Overall, in 2019 I will open my heart, take more action to become a doer not just a dreamer.
By the way, I wish you and your family a year of happy , healthy and wealthy!
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